My bank has put me through the ringer today, and it has left me just feeling defeated and wanting nothing more than to go straight home after work and crawl in bed. In fact, it's got me wanting to leave work early and do that!
But I need to run today, and while everything in my mind says, "No, I don't want to run!" I know that I need to. Yesterday something happened right before I met my husband to run that made me feel so down, so mentally unprepared to go for a run, and yet I had to do it because I had my husband waiting on me. I ran 4.2 miles and by the last mile and a half felt much better. I think running is therapeutic and it's something that right now, I really need to be committed to, with this half-marathon coming up.
Speaking of which, I will run 13.1+ on Saturday and then I am done with these long runs until race day. We have a 10K a week prior, so next week I will focus on doing about 4-6 mile runs and then race day is on Saturday, what previously had been my long-run day. I am going to take it relatively easy in the week leading up to the half, doing short runs and yoga/pilates stuff.
It's days like these I really do need that running/accountability partner to force me to go running, because if left up to me, I will be heading straight home at 5:30 and immediately get into rest mode.
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