Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday wishes and a great month ahead

My birthday is 2 months away but I'm already making my list:


Sperry Top-Siders.... $75!! These have to be a birthday wish because of their price-tag. Kind of hefty for shoes I will only wear with shorts probably on the weekends. But I love them, they look so comfy, and I am just dying for them.

A good substitute for these, should they sell out before the day of my birth, are a pair of TOMS. They are a little less expensive, for a good cause, and should offer the same amount of casual-ness and comfort. I used to think they were ugly, but now I have come around to see their merit. Perhaps I can get both pairs???


I looovvveeeeeeeeee backrubs from my husband, but he does not particularly love to give them (even though he does, and often). I have always wanted to go get a professional massage, even though the thought of a stranger rubbing on me is kind of icky. These can be kind of expensive though.

Anything really... new tops, new shorts, new running SOCKs... headbands, an iFitness belt, a Fuel Belt, perhaps? A Tiger Tail rolling massage stick, some new tights, perhaps? Maybe for my birthday I will just have my husband take me to the sporting goods store and go crazy.

For non-birthday needs, I do need some shorts for the summer... I do not own any non-running/sleeping shorts! This is because I used to always hate how I looked in shorts, up until I started running a year ago and really started losing weight and toning up. I've always worn skirts, but shorts just felt WRONG. Now I am completely comfortable in them and want a couple of pairs for this hot summer. I'm liking what Old Navy has to offer:

I am really excited for the coming weeks, all which include:
- a much-needed haircut on Thursday (yes, I am EXCITED about this!!)
-Day off for Good Friday and Easter weekend
- the movie premiere of SOMETHING BORROWED, which is based on the book by Emily Giffin and stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Kate Hudson. I LOVED the book so much, so I've been obsessing over the movie coming out for quite a while, so much so that my husband agreed to go see it with me, even though he absolutely hates chick flicks and I can't remember the last time he saw one with me in the movie theater.
- A baby shower for my sister-in-law
- A fundraising dinner and silent auction for a college organization my husband and I both were active in (it's how we met)
- a bridal shower for my brother's fiancee

All this within the next month!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Shopping commences.

Big tax refund! But most of it's going into savings, and is already there. That's me trying to be responsible. I did make today, payday, the day I finally ordered two Sweaty Bands I've been eyeing:

(Images from Sweaty Bands)

LOVE the black/gold fleur-de-lis pattern because I'm a huge New Orleans Saints fan, and I've  been wanting a red headband for awhile now! Love Sweaty Bands!

Now, I head into the weekend with a quote from the oh-so-wise Cher of "Clueless" --

"Boy, getting off the freeway makes you realize how important love is."

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I haven't posted in over a week, my bad!

Ever since the half marathon, my mileage has gone way down. I was averaging 25 miles a week, and the past two weeks, I've averaged UNDER 10. Joining the gym has contributed because I don't run on the days I go to the gym, and since I'm paying $50 a month for the gym, I have made going a focus. Got to get my money's worth!

I think I am getting it under control -- I ran 5 miles Tuesday, ran 3.5 on the treadmill yesterday at the gym, and will run after work today, at least 4 miles. At least that's more than 10.

This week has been really tough on me. I've just had a million different things to do at work, I've been getting up most days at 5:30 to go to the gym but I'm not getting enough sleep beforehand, and then I don't even have this weekend to look forward to because on Saturday I first have to get up at 6 to go do a volunteer thing my husband and I signed up for, and then I have to work from 10 to 2. I keep trying to tell myself that "By 2 p.m. on Saturday, I will be free to relax," but the fact that I want to be relaxing by 5 p.m. on Friday and not 21 hours later keeps bothering me

All of this stress has led me to obsess about taking a vacation, but anywhere cool is just too far away, thus airline tickets are too expensive. I live in Louisiana, and so that means the closest states are Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida. I've been to all of these states too many times to count, so I don't want to go anywhere in them. My dream vacation right now is San Francisco with a day trip to Napa Valley included, but it's sooo much money. That or somewhere in the northeast. My husband understands my desire to travel, but does not want to spend too much money. We really don't have a lot of money since I'm putting him through law school, but I still feel like, whatever, let's just use our tax refund to go somewhere cool! He thinks we should *save.* Phooey on that!!!

I need an Easter dress. Isn't this one perfect?

Sunny Soiree dress from Anthro

Too bad it's $148!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Another great giveaway!

Check out this great giveaway at Blessed with Full Hands!! Lots of great stuff to win, including bondibands, a Zooma tee and grocery bag, Luna bars and GUs, and more!


Found some awesome running-related giveaways today!

  • Great giveaway over at Run Zoe Run for a gift card to Road ID -- I really need to get one of these! It includes your name, medical info, etc. in case something happens to you while you're running. Since I do run alone a lot of the time, this is very important!
  • You can also win a Bondi Band by visiting Run With Jess! :)
  • Or a running key cuff and gels from Sassy Runner Girl
  • annddd.... an iFitnessBelt with Running Through Life! I have a SpiBelt but would love to try out this type of running belt.