I haven't posted in over a week, my bad!
Ever since the half marathon, my mileage has gone way down. I was averaging 25 miles a week, and the past two weeks, I've averaged UNDER 10. Joining the gym has contributed because I don't run on the days I go to the gym, and since I'm paying $50 a month for the gym, I have made going a focus. Got to get my money's worth!
I think I am getting it under control -- I ran 5 miles Tuesday, ran 3.5 on the treadmill yesterday at the gym, and will run after work today, at least 4 miles. At least that's more than 10.
This week has been really tough on me. I've just had a million different things to do at work, I've been getting up most days at 5:30 to go to the gym but I'm not getting enough sleep beforehand, and then I don't even have this weekend to look forward to because on Saturday I first have to get up at 6 to go do a volunteer thing my husband and I signed up for, and then I have to work from 10 to 2. I keep trying to tell myself that "By 2 p.m. on Saturday, I will be free to relax," but the fact that I want to be relaxing by 5 p.m. on Friday and not 21 hours later keeps bothering me
All of this stress has led me to obsess about taking a vacation, but anywhere cool is just too far away, thus airline tickets are too expensive. I live in Louisiana, and so that means the closest states are Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida. I've been to all of these states too many times to count, so I don't want to go anywhere in them. My dream vacation right now is San Francisco with a day trip to Napa Valley included, but it's sooo much money. That or somewhere in the northeast. My husband understands my desire to travel, but does not want to spend too much money. We really don't have a lot of money since I'm putting him through law school, but I still feel like, whatever, let's just use our tax refund to go somewhere cool! He thinks we should *save.* Phooey on that!!!
I need an Easter dress. Isn't this one perfect?
Sunny Soiree dress from Anthro
Too bad it's $148!
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